Our sweet baby L turned SIX MONTHS yesterday! That is crazzzy! I can't even put into words the joy that our little babe has brought me. I'm still doing a very poor job at keeping up with pictures and stuff ....I've decided that the best I can do is cell phone pictures and videos for now since I always have my phone on me. You will find the pictures on my facebook and the videos on my youtube (link is on my facebook).
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE being a Mom! I am so thankful for my hard working husband so I am able to stay at home with our precious baby. It is incredible. I am still learning how to best manage my time (in between naps and feedings its easy to waste time!) Our days are filled with lots of laughter, reading, singing, praying, eating, laundry, cleaning, playing, working out, planning or running errands and time with friends. Trying to do all of these things in the strength that the Lord provides and not so that I get appreciated or whatever but that I would do it out of service for Him! I've been thinking a lot about storing up treasures in Heaven and not on earth. It can be easy to lose focus.
OH!!! Laedin has decided to start waking up in the middle of the night to eat. For those of you who didn't know...He's been sleeping through the night since 2 weeks old so I am NOT used to this! At first I thought oh no big deal it's probably a growth spurt but now I'm thinking maybe it's from teething? Anyways...trying to break him of that. So far so good. He has woke up and cried himself back to sleep 2 nights in a row. We started Laedin on solid foods this week ...total failure ha! We tried egg yolks first because they're so rich in choline, cholesterol and other brain nourishing substances but first of all - Ryan and I did not even know how to boil an egg and when we finally got it I still don't know if it was right. It was very rubbery. Anyways, it made the babe gag and throw up. Next we tried bananas. He made very sad faces and didn't seem to want that either. I think we might try to mix it with my milk or something.
Our little dude is looking more like his Daddy every day. He can now sit up all on his own really well and is so close to crawling. He gets on all fours and rocks back and forward. I'm so proud of him. He's really fun to watch learn different things and he is the most content baby I've ever seen.
Ryan has started classes and it's been a very easy transition, thankfully. I am still looking for a babysitting job to help us out financially. I have also started couponing! I'm still semi-overwhelmed by it but am slowly learning. I have made several mistakes so far like buying things because I had coupons for them (but forgetting to use the coupons), leaving coupons at home, thinking I could buy the Sunday paper on a day other than sunday, and throwing out coupons that I later could have used to get free stuff. BUT ITS OK! I will be a couponing pro in no time. I Will power through. Ha ha ha.
My twin sister is engaged!!! And I get to be her matron of honor!! :) Her and Bryan have set the date for Cinco De Mayo of next year.... I cannot wait! Marriage is one of the sweetest gifts from God! But it is important to see it as that. A gift from our Creator. God would never give us anything better than Himself. Ultimately, we are made for God and are designed to find our complete joy in Him. So while marriage is an unbelievable delight, it is simply pointing to God who alone can truly satisfy.
My nephew Brandon is going home from the NICU tomorrow!! Praise be to our great God!